Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT)

IEMT is a fast and effective therapy that utilises simple eye movements to reduce intense negative emotions associated with specific traumatic memories and negative past experiences, which results in improved mental and emotional clarity.

IEMT works on the memory imprints that are causing the negative emotion.

The individual is asked to hold the problematic imagery in mind whilst the eyes are moved in different directions. This results in the memory losing its emotional impact by changing its emotional coding.

IEMT is also successful in eliminating negative identity imprints, for example, ‘I am anxious’, ‘I am worthless’ ‘I am a failure’ or ‘I am stupid’. This results in an significantly improved self-concept as we connect to our powerful core identity.

IEMT can also be described as ‘content free’ as you don’t need to talk about the details or painful past experiences or traumatic events.

IEMT often works on issues that people have had for years and where other therapies and treatments have failed.

What can IEMT help with?

IEMT can help with a range of emotional and psychological issues including anxiety, stress, low confidence and self-worth, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), trauma, phobias and limiting beliefs.

IEMT is rapid and effective.

It can offer lasting change and give people back control of their emotional responses in their lives in the blink of an eye.

The Association for IEMT Practitioners
IEMT Model and Anxiety